
Warminia Jubilee Tournament

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25 mei 2019 hele dag

25 years of gay and lesbian sport in Bielefeld are a fantastic reason to celebrate!

We will do it with a badminton and volleyball jubilee-tournament and invite all our friends of the LGBT*-sports-community in whole Germany, Europe and all over the world. The tournament takes place on 25th of May 2019 and is only 300km (2,75h) away from your home town.
Starting fee is 25€ per person, which includes free catering during tournament with medal ceremony, Dinner, and partyticket. Both sport competitions will be held at the same gym-areal, which will allow the athletes and spectators a lot of variety and interactivity. The volleyball tournament is announced for ladies’, men’s and mixed teams of B-Level (advanced) and C-level (recreational). For badminton there are 10 different competitions planned: ladies’ doubles, ladies’ singles, men’s doubles, men’s singles and mixed teams, both in C-level (recreational) and B-level (advanced). You can do several competitions for only 25€ once. Registration ends on May 15th see
After the tournament we all will meet at 7pm at Metropol dancing club (address Meisenstr. 59) where will be hold our tournament dinner with jubilee-ball with ballroom dancing and latin rhythm and beats.
At 10pm there will start our colourful gay and lesbian party, meeting new people and old friends and celebrating our clubs anniversary. We will have guests for example from Frankfurt, Berlin, London an many other cities and would like to invite you  warmly to our tournament.

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